Secrets Exposed: The Rise of GitHub as an Attack Vector

A Look at Chariot’s Capability to Protect On June 6, 2024, an anonymous user posted nearly 300 GB of stolen source code to 4chan. Per the user, the leak contained “basically all source code belonging to The New York Times”. The NYT later confirmed the leak and said the root case was an exposed GitHub […]

CVE-2024-6387: RegreSSHion

July 5th, 2024 Update Chariot detected numerous instances of CVE-2024-6387 in our customers’ environments this week. We have notified all of our impacted customers to begin the remediation process. On July 1, 2024, the Qualys Threat Research Unit (TRU) announced an unauthenticated remote code execution in OpenSSH’s sshd server. Cataloged as CVE-2024-6387, the vulnerability is […]