CRITICAL: New Internet Explorer Zero-day Vulnerability

Only a few weeks after Heartbleed hit the Internet by storm, reports of another serious zero-day vulnerability are starting to circulate within the security community. Over the weekend Microsoft released Security Advisory 2963983, which details a new remote code execution vulnerability impacting ALL versions of Internet Explorer (IE6-IE11). Microsoft is aware of “limited, targeted attacks that attempt to exploit the vulnerability.” The company is currently investigating public reports of the vulnerability and it has yet to publicize details to the reserved CVE-2014-1776, but there are steps organizations can take to protect against this threat.

Exploiting Mobile Banking with HeartBleed Vulnerability

mobile heartbleed

For anyone who has not heard, a critical SSL vulnerability called HeartBleed was made public earlier this week that affects a widely used version of OpenSSL. In this post, I will demonstrate the HeartBleed vulnerability being exploited on a vulnerable mobile banking application and backend server within our test environments.

CRITICAL: HeartBleed Vulnerability


There is a new critical vulnerability affecting a widely used version of OpenSSL called HeartBleed (CVE-2014-0160). This new bug allows an attacker to read system memory remotely, without authentication. It has been reported that 60-70% of the Internet is affected. Immediate action should be taken to identify vulnerable systems within your environment and take necessary steps to mitigate risk associated with this critical vulnerability.

Whats up with WhatsApp’s Security?

mobile phone security

Facebook’s acquisition announcement coincided with the starting week of Project Neptune’s beta program. Project Neptune is Praetorian’s new mobile application security testing platform that allows companies to keep pace with rapid mobile development cycles by incorporating continuous, on-demand security testing. And what’s a better way to properly kick off our beta program than to test a publicly available mobile app worth $19 billion? Within minutes, Project Neptune picked up on several SSL-related security issues affecting the confidentiality of WhatsApp user data that passes in transit to back-end servers. This is the kind of stuff the NSA would love. It basically allows them—or an attacker—to man-in-the-middle the connection and then downgrade the encryption so they can break it and sniff the traffic. These security issues put WhatsApp user information and communications at risk.

How to Identify and Prevent UIWebView Cross-Site Scripting

mobile uiwebview cross-site scripting

Cross-site scripting occurs when malicious scripts are injected into an otherwise benign or trusted website. Within the mobile security field, cross-site scripting can occur in unlikely places, such as the UIWebView on iOS. For purposes of illustration, we’ll discuss a recent instance of UIWebView cross-site scripting we came across in a test. We’ll also discuss a similar app that does things correctly. Then we’ll cover why problems like this occur and how it’s difficult for developers to foresee these security issues.

How To Identify and Prevent LDAP Injection (Part 2)

protection shield

LDAP injection occurs when an application fails to neutralize characters that have special meaning in LDAP. Closely, resembling SQL injection, LDAP injection occurs when LDAP statements are constructed with unverified user-supplied data. This can result in the execution of arbitrary commands such as granting permissions to unauthorized queries as well as content alterations within the LDAP tree. The same advanced exploitation techniques leveraged in SQL Injection can be similarly applied in LDAP injection.

How To Identify and Prevent Query and Command Injections (Part 1)

security shield

Query and command injections are some of the most devastating classes of vulnerabilities in existence. This series of blog posts will teach you how to identify and prevent this vulnerability from occurring. In part one we will explore examples of command injection.

Develop Secure Mobile Apps by Studying Vulnerable Android, iOS, and Mobile Web Apps

mobile phones

In today’s mobile world, demand for high-quality, feature-rich applications is increasing, while mobile app development cycles are becoming shorter. With time-to-market pressures greater than ever, security vulnerabilities are manifesting themselves in every stage of the mobile app development life cycle. For our summer internship project, we wanted to come up with a way to help developers create more secure mobile apps.

NECCDC Red Team: Quick HTTP Command and Control (C2) Trojans

C2 Trojan http

In my previous blog post, I described the Northeast Cyber Collegiate Defense Competition (NECCDC) and started to explain some of the techniques the red team used. For this post, I’m going to cover two more C2 Trojans that I wrote using HTTP (GET and POST). Similar to the C2 DNS Trojan, the HTTP Trojans are unidirectional and do not require installing software on the victim. By using multiple techniques at varying frequency we increased the likelihood we would be able to maintain persistence throughout the competition.