In Brief: Chariot Alignment with FDA Section 524B.1
Chariot is more than a product; it’s a partnership that combines automated monitoring and human analysis to identify externally-accessible security risks. In light of the FDA’s latest requirements for in-market device security (summarized in Section 524B), Praetorian’s customers are having success leveraging the Chariot Managed Service as a cost-effective and scalable approach to satisfying Section […]
Part 3 – Trends in the Cybersecurity Talent Marketplace in the Face of Sustained Shortages
I’ve written previously about how I believe a team’s expertise and talent are the most important factors in determining the success of a cybersecurity program. I’d like to elaborate a bit more on how I think that is affecting the marketplace for cybersecurity expertise and what it means for people operations. To summarize my previous […]
Part I – CyberSecurity is Adversarial, and What that Means for Security Strategy
I have an impression that in the course of the day to day grind, many security leaders have lost sight of a core tenant of cybersecurity: that it is adversarial. Ultimately, the core of most cybersecurity risks is defenders trying to stop attackers. Both sides are seeking to outwit each other. This contest is mediated […]