Extending LLVM for Code Obfuscation (2 of 2)

In part one, we covered setting up a development environment for working with LLVM and developed a simple pass that inserted junk code into binaries during compilation to hinder signature-based detection and manual reverse engineering efforts. In this article, we develop a more complex pass that automatically encrypts string literals during the compilation process by […]

Extending LLVM for Code Obfuscation (1 of 2)

Part one of this article covers the necessary background on LLVM, setting up a development environment, and developing an LLVM pass for junk code insertion in an attempt to generate unique polymorphic binaries.

Secure and Scalable Secrets Management in the Cloud for DevOps

Regardless of industry, size, or tech stack, modern organizations rely on secrets to operate their infrastructure. Increasingly, DevOps teams elect to build or migrate their infrastructure with the cloud. All too often, secure and scalable secret management strategies are forced onto the backlog for the sake of development velocity or underappreciated implications. Ad hoc secret management strategies can have disastrous implications – as application security weaknesses can readily metastasize into complete infrastructure compromise. With increasing complexity and modernization, DevOps operators need a standard method for managing and maintaining secrets within modern environments.

Getting Started with Praetorian’s ATT&CK Automation

Earlier this month, Praetorian released its automation for emulating adversary tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) based on the MITRE ATT&CK framework. We’ve gotten a number of requests from users asking for more detailed instructions on how to get started with the tool. This blog post accompanies the recently released video tutorial.