Advisory: Qlik Sense Enterprise for Windows Remote Code Execution Vulnerabilities
Advisory: Qlik Sense Enterprise Remote Code Execution In an effort to safeguard our customers, we perform proactive vulnerability research with the goal of identifying zero-day vulnerabilities in applications that are likely to impact the security of leading organizations. Recently, we discovered two vulnerabilities which can be chained together to achieve unauthenticated remote code execution on […]
Announcing Nosey Parker Update to v0.14.0

Last week we published a new release of Nosey Parker, our fast and low-noise secrets detector. The v0.14.0 release adds significant features that make it easier for a human to review findings, and a number of smaller features and changes that improve signal-to-noise. The full release notes are available here. Release highlights File names and […]
Konstellation: A Tool for RBACpacking in Kubernetes

The author presented this paper and corresponding tool at Black Hat: Arsenal 2023 on August 10, 2023. For a more general overview of Konstellation and its capabilities vis a vis Kubernetes RBAC, please see our earlier companion post. Kubernetes Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) is a mechanism for controlling access to resources in a Kubernetes cluster. […]
Introducing Konstellation, for Kubernetes RBAC Analysis
Praetorian is excited to announce the upcoming release of Konstellation, a new open-source tool that simplifies Kubernetes role-based access control (RBAC) data collection and security analysis. Join us August 10, 2023, at Black Hat Arsenal 2023 for a deeper dive on exactly what this tool can do for you. Kubernetes RBAC is a powerful tool […]
Announcing Gato Version 1.5!

On January 21, 2023 at ShmooCon 2023, Praetorian open-sourced Gato (Github Attack Toolkit), a first of its kind tool that focuses on abusing offensive TTPs targeting self-hosted GitHub Actions Runners. Since then, Praetorian and other offensive security practitioners across the information security community have leveraged Gato for so much more than just self-hosted runner attacks. […]
Improving Performance and Scalability: Updates and Lessons from Inspector, Our End-to-End Testing Solution

Overview In a previous article titled Inspector or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Testing in Prod, we discussed our end-to-end testing solution, Inspector, which we leverage to perform continuous testing of our external attack surface enumeration scanning system. Here, we discuss some of the recent modifications and updates we made to Inspector […]
MOVEit! An Overview of CVE-2023-34362
On May 31st, 2023, Progress disclosed a serious vulnerability in its MOVEit Transfer software. The vulnerability is remotely exploitable, does not require authentication, and impacts versions of the software that are 2023.0.1 (15.0.1) or earlier. We are aware of multiple reports of active exploitation of this vulnerability in the wild, and attackers are already mobilizing […]
Content Discovery: Understanding Your Web Attack Surface
Attack Surface Management (ASM) tools find quite a lot of vulnerabilities on the Web. This really isn’t surprising, given that HTTP/S is by far the most common and broadest of all the services comprising the Internet. In fact, Web-based issues represent the majority of the findings about which our Managed Service Providers (MSPs) inform our […]
Find More Secrets with Nosey Parker v.0.12.0

On March 2, 2023, we issued some updates to our secrets sniffing tool, Nosey Parker, which has been available as an Apache 2-licensed open-source project since December 2022. We originally developed the full version to embed in Chariot, our Attack Surface Management solution, because we needed a secrets detection tool that was as fast as […]
Bypassing Akamai’s Web Application Firewall Using an Injected Content-Encoding Header

During a recent Chariot customer pilot we identified an interesting method to bypass the cross-site scripting (XSS) filtering functionality within the Akamai Web Application Firewall (WAF) solution. Chariot had identified a Carriage Return and Line Feed (CRLF) injection vulnerability during an automated scan, and we discovered the bypass during our exploitation phase. In this article, […]