Breach and Attack Simulation

Proactively test your defenses against simulated real-world attacks

Breach and Attack Simulation
Anticipate the Attackers Next Move - Breach and Attack Simulation

Anticipate the Attackers Next Move

Provide your organization with the necessary resources and knowledge to proactively anticipate, identify, and respond to real-world cyber threats. Through the simulation of sophisticated attack techniques and hacker tradecraft, including but not limited to lateral movements, elevation of privileges, and unauthorized data transfers, we present an authentic and objective evaluation of your security readiness.

Comprehensive Threat Emulation

Praetorian’s team of ethical hackers use the latest threat intelligence and hacker tradecraft to simulate advanced persistent threats, insider threats, and other sophisticated attack vectors putting an organization’s defenses to the ultimate test.

Comprehensive Threat Emulation - Breach and Attack Simulation
Actionable Reporting - Breach and Attack Simulation

Actionable Reporting

We provide detailed and descriptive reports along with actionable recommendations helping security teams prioritize and allocate appropriate resources to address their material risk.

Continuous Improvement

Using Chariot, our continuous threat exposure management platform, we provide organizations a continuous cyclical process of testing, remediating, and retesting. Ensuring that your security posture always remains robust and adaptable to evolving threats, such as new TTP’s and emerging vulnerabilities.

Continuous Improvement - Breach and Attack Simulation

Build the Most Robust Security Playbook

Customized Scenarios

We realize every organization has unique needs, regulatory requirements, and operational motions. This is why our team of security experts creatively design and execute customized breach and attack simulation scenarios that align with your organization’s unique needs and objectives.

Advanced Threat Intelligence

Leverage the latest threat intelligence and hacker tradecraft provided by advanced research of the Praetorian Labs team to strengthen your cyber resilience. By uncovering potential attack paths and patterns that could be exploited by real-world adversaries you stay one step ahead in anticipating the attacker’s next move.

Actionable Reporting and Insights

Receive a suite of detailed reports including an executive summary, technical remediation guidance, and a business impact analysis. Each report aids in speaking to the diverse needs of each stakeholder.

Identify Security Gaps in Your Prevention and Detection Plans

Enhance Cyber Resilience

Understand and prepare for the latest TTPs used by even the most sophisticated attackers. Gain the insight needed to prevent, detect, and respond to cyber incidents while measuring against frameworks such as NIST and CIS Controls.

Continuous Improvements

Breach and Attack Simulation is designed to be a continuous managed process that leverage both automation and human-driven intelligence. Regular testing of security controls allow for iterative adjustments and continuous improvement to your security posture.

Maturity Roadmap

Accelerate the development of your security program by building a clear roadmap for improvement while aligning to your organizations priorities.

Ready to Discuss Your Breach and
Attack Simulation Initiative?

Praetorian’s Offense Security Experts are Ready to Answer Your Questions