
Learn how Samsung secures it’s end-to-end IoT platform with the help of Praetorian

Praetorian's IoT security evaluation helped Samsung strengthen the security of its ARTIK IoT platform from chip-to-cloud, across the hardware modules, embedded software, cloud APIs, web services, SDKs, and applications.

Samsung ARTIK earned an "A" grade from Praetorian that helps support its security position in the market, while enabling business growth across sales and marketing.

Samsung ARTIK and its customers gained valuable security assurance from a trusted team of 3rd-party IoT security experts.

Helping Samsung ARTIK Strengthen the Security to-end Internet of Things (IoT) Platform

When Samsung launched its ARTIK IoT platform and SmartThings Cloud, one of the key things to consider was security. Security at the device level, safe data exchange, secure access to IoT platform services, and security of data storage.

“Security in the age of IoT means new levels of complexity and risk. Unfortunately, most companies are not prepared to address the challenges of security every link of the chain, from device to IoT cloud.”


The Solution

At the request of Samsung, Praetorian executed an end-to-end product security evaluation for the ARTIK IoT platform. The solution provided coverage across the entire Samsung ARTIK platform, including the hardware modules, embedded software, cloud APIs, web services, SDKs, and applications. Through the evaluation process, the platform was benchmarked against the latest version of OWASP’s Application Security Verification Standard (ASVS), which Praetorian extended to include hardware-related security control categories and verification test cases that are required for a holistic IoT product evaluation. Once the evaluation was completed and through the process of remediation, Samsung was able to strengthen the security across every aspect of its IoT platform, earning an “A” grade from Praetorian.

We chose Praetorian primarily because of the domain expertise … IoT in our case and the security expertise in general. Praetorian had one of the best IoT domain expertise and the security expertise for various areas. What we liked was the fact that the team was very responsive, it had the relevant expertise, and more importantly, the collaborative nature of a resolving issue or improving the overall architecture. The back and forth discussions were very good.”


Security for the Next Wave of Innovation

Working with Praetorian, Samsung ARTIK and its customers gained valuable security assurance from a trusted 3rd-party expert operating at the intersection of IoT and security. The security certification Samsung earned from Praetorian will help support its business growth across sales and marketing, while serving as a proof point for customers by showing that Samsung sees security as a key driver for accelerating innovation and moving to scale with confidence. Praetorian’s deep security expertise is supporting Samsung’s vision to accelerate the delivery of secure, interoperable and intelligent IoT products and services using data from billions of connected devices.

Ensuring a Superior Customer Experience

Praetorian helps to reduce or remove the variable of security risks and thereby the time it takes to resolve different types of security issues. Consequently, clients are able to deliver product to market faster and safer. Praetorian’s security expertise has helped Samsung build confidence across its ARTIK IoT customers. Samsung’s sales and marketing teams can now promote the ARTIK IoT platform with certainty because they know it’s among the most secure platforms out there for their users.

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