Assumed Breached Exercise

Test your detection and response capabilities against a simulated successful attack.


Test Your Detection and Response Capabilities in a Simulated Attack Scenario

Exercise defensive playbooks under realistic conditions, without the negative impact of a real-world breach. Our Security Engineers simulate an attack scenario, testing your security assumptions and providing factual information about the company’s current security maturity posture. Ensure you are prepared for any cyber event.

Identify and Simulate Compromise to Mission Critical Assets and Capabilities

Our team of ethical hackers collaborates with you to develop a high-level threat model, which we then utilize to create scenarios that are most probable for the client to encounter. This process helps uncover critical exposures and provide actionable insights. Common scenarios include malware infiltration, phishing attacks, and unauthorized access due to:

Assumed Breach Exercise Examples

Demonstrate direct financial loss through the transfer of monetary funds to a nominated bank account

Demonstrate access to a VIP mailbox, data, or workstations

Emulate a ransomware attack

Demonstrate the ability to exert control over an ICS device/ environment (water plant, food processing, oil refinement)

Demonstrate control over a critical capability such as power supply to a geographic location

Perpetrate theft of customer data and personally identifiable information such as address, contact details and banking information

Attack Lifecycle Stages

Praetorian’s team of ethical hackers creatively leverage both public and private attack tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) in an attempt to accomplish a predetermined business impact objective.

Attack Staging

Prepare the infrastructure and tooling required to orchestrate the attack.


Obtain information about the client’s people, process, and technology to identify attack surfaces and provide intelligence to attacks

Lateral Movement and Privilege Escalation

Compromise additional assets and gain additional privileges in a strategic fashion that supports the attack mission.

Actions on Objectives

Understand the standard operating procedures surrounding the attack objectives and perform necessary steps to achieve the goal.

Put Your Security Assumptions to the Test

Enhanced Preparedness

Test security assumptions and capabilities in a controlled scenario. By experiencing the tactics and techniques used by real attackers, your organization can identify potential gaps and improve its ability to prevent, detect, and respond to cyber incidents

Comprehensive Security Insights

Gain objective insight on current security posture and actionable recommendations that improve risk exposure, ensuring every layer of your organization’s security is fortified.

Strategic Security Program Acceleration

Determine the potential business impacts that may result from a successful breach, to inform and properly allocate future security investments

Ready to Discuss Your Assumed
Breach Exercise Initiative?

Praetorian’s Offense Security Experts are Ready to Answer Your Questions