Penetration Testing

IoT Penetration Testing

Praetorian’s IoT penetration testing assesses the full IoT ecosystem, from backend systems and business processes to hardware and mobile devices, to identify security risks associated with design, implementation, and manufacturing.

IoT Penetration Testing
Identify Security Risks Associated with Design, Implementation, and Manufacturing

Identify Security Risks Associated with Design, Implementation, and Manufacturing

Our engineers review source code, API specifications, and technical standards to understand potential weaknesses and tailor their testing. We then utilize the latest in tools and technology to identify vulnerabilities, demonstrate attacks, analyze protocols, and enumerate the attack surface.

IoT Penetration Testing Deliverables

Core of Hardware Security

Our engineers use your hardware to simulate usage conditions and access debugging, network, or wireless interfaces. This provides us a detailed understanding of the device’s internal mechanisms and how it might be attacked.

Destructive Testing

Praetorian experts perform light-touch disassembly of devices to expose additional interfaces and attack surfaces. Optional destructive testing is utilized to thoroughly exploit hardware but may result in device malfunction.

Backend Attacks

Our experts cover attacks against both data in transit and data at rest within the backend cloud environment. We provide deep experience in various IoT PaaS and cloud IoT registries, as well as the asynchronous messaging systems commonly used in conjunction with them.


IoT Attack Path Assessment


Manual Techniques for Penetration Testing

Design Advisory

Design Advisory

Security Training

Security Training

Compliance Assessments

Compliance Assessments

Assess the IoT Ecosystem, from Backend Systems and Business Processes to Hardware and Mobile Devices

Identify Attack Paths to Critical IoT Assets

Orient an assessment on established industry or government standard—such as OWASP ISVS, the IIC Industrial IoT Security Framework, or FDA requirements—or create a customized threat model for the specific device.

Identify Attack Paths to Critical IoT Assets
Collaborative, Transparent Partnership to Help You Focus on the True Material risks

Collaborative, Transparent Partnership to Help You Focus on the True Material risks

For each engagement, our engineers review source code, API specifications, and technical standards to understand where weaknesses are likely to arise, then tailor their testing accordingly. We then use tools–both commercially available and bespoke from Praetorian Labs–to identify vulnerabilities, demonstrate attacks, analyze protocols, and enumerate the attack surface.


Why Choose Praetorian

At Praetorian, we provide a timely, tailored, and thorough assessment of your product’s cybersecurity from the backend to the user interface and everywhere in between. We have industry-specific experience involving:

Leading Security Engineers

Our adversarial experts have decades of experience and deep technical expertise in hardware penetration testing

Proven Methodology

Whether you choose to orient your engagement around a government or industry framework or a custom threat model, our engineers will take a creative, rigorous approach in identifying potential attack paths and technically exploiting them.

Innovative Enablement Platform

Our continuous offensive security platform underpins every engagement, so your team can partner with our experts on the things that matter.

Who Needs this Service

Device Manufacturers

Enterprises designing or manufacturing connected devices or firmware.

Device Users

Organizations deploying connected devices in their critical infrastructure

PaaS Providers

Companies developing IoT infrastructure for device manufacturers

Ready to Discuss Your IoT
Penetration Testing Initiative?

Praetorian’s Offense Security Experts are Ready to Answer Your Questions

Explore Our IoT Penetration Testing Services

Medical Device Penetration Testing

Meet the FDA requirements reliably for pre-market and post-market devices

Automotive Penetration Testing

Satisfy Penetration Testing Guidelines Stipulated in ISO/SAE 21434h