Cybersecurity Due Diligence for Mergers and Acquisitions

Perform cybersecurity due diligence to assess the security posture of a target company and uncover potential vulnerabilities

Cybersecurity Due Diligence for Mergers and Acquisitions
Avoid the Hidden Costs of Mergers and Acquisitions

Avoid the Hidden Costs of Mergers and Acquisitions

Benefit from a cybersecurity partnership that has a meaningful impact on M&A due to our understanding of how an attacker views a target company. With the velocity, depth, and coverage our adversarial experts bring, your organization will gain leverage for short-term decision making on the deal itself, as well as long-term integration planning.

Pre-Acquisition Due Diligence Cybersecurity

Pre-Acquisition Due Diligence Cybersecurity

Gain comprehensive insight through a thorough evaluation of the target company’s security policies, procedures, and controls, and proactively identify potential security risks or liabilities that could impact the acquisition’s value. Enhance your team with our adversarial experts, who will:

Deal Execution Due Diligence Cybersecurity

Deal Execution Due Diligence Cybersecurity

During the deal execution phase, review and evaluate any security-related warranties or indemnities offered by the target company. Assess additional vulnerabilities that emerge during the pre-acquisition stage. Utilize our adversarial experts to guide your team through the following activities:

Post-Acquisition Due Diligence Cybersecurity

Integrate the target company’s security policies, procedures, and controls into your organization’s overall security program, and identify and address any gaps or weaknesses that did not come to light during earlier phases of the acquisition process. Some specific actions our adversarial engineers can help you take during this phase include the following:

Trust but Verify

Ingest the assets you have access to and complement with external scanning to get a full picture

Expose Insider Threats

Identify where attackers may find backdoors or inadvertent access

Identify Incoming Issues

Determine the security posture and maturity of newly joining assets and teams

Ready to Discuss Your Cybersecurity
Due Diligence for M&A Initiative?

Praetorian’s Offense Security Experts are Ready to Answer Your Questions