Penetration Testing

Network Penetration Testing

Safeguard your network by identifying and addressing vulnerabilities within your network infrastructure before attackers do.

Network Penetration Testing

See Your Network Exposures
from the Attackers Perspective

Secure Your Digital Infrastructure

Proactively identify and contextualize vulnerabilities present in your systems, Active Directory configurations, cloud environments, IoT, and other network elements. Through expert testing and personalized remediation guidance, Praetorian enables you to fortify your defenses and protect your critical data

Comprehensive Security Assessment

Our comprehensive security assessment encompasses both external and internal penetration testing, providing you with a deep understanding of your network security exposures. Our customized testing scenarios ensure a thorough examination of your systems against real-world attack scenarios, allowing you to validate your security controls, meet regulatory compliance requirements, and enhance your overall security posture.

Validate Security Controls Through
Simulated Real-World Attacks

Validate Security Controls Through Simulated Real-World Attacks

External Penetration Testing

Simulate real-world attack scenarios to identify and exploit vulnerabilities in your external network perimeter. Uncover and remediate gaps through actionable and personalized remediation guidance, to enhance your network’s resiliency against cyber attacks.

Internal Penetration Testing

Gain insights into your internal network security resilience through our internal penetration testing service. By simulating insider threats and unauthorized access attempts, we expose weaknesses within your network infrastructure enabling you to strengthen your security measures and maintain data integrity.

Customized Testing Scenarios

Our security engineers are experts in their craft and bring decades of experience to every engagement. This allows them to customized testing scenarios tailored specifically to your network environment. By simulating targeted attacks, we help you identify unique security gaps before adversaries exploit them. This proactive approach ensures your network infrastructure remains one step ahead of potential threats.

Customized Testing Scenarios
Network Penetration Testing Chariot

Continuous Testing

Ensure ongoing protection for your network through our continuous testing services. Our Human lead, tech enabled platform, Chariot proactively keeps organizations one step ahead of evolving threats and new vulnerabilities.

Identify the Material Risk that Threatens Your Network Infrastructure

Enhanced Security Posture

Strengthen your network’s defenses against evolving cyber threats

Regulatory Compliance

Meet industry standards and regulatory requirements with confidence

Cost Savings

Proactively address vulnerabilities that can prevent costly data breaches and downtime

Reputation Protection

Safeguard your brand reputation by demonstrating a commitment to robust cybersecurity practices

Ready to Discuss Your Network
Penetration Testing Initiative?

Praetorian’s Offense Security Experts are Ready to Answer Your Questions