Rogue IT Identification

Enable your business without sacrificing security. Proactively identify and mitigate rogue IT that could compromise your business

Rogue IT Identification

Keep Track of Your Digital Footprint in Real-Time

Praetorian leverages automated scanning and human testing. We combine real-time asset discovery and secret scanning with adversarial experts who validate findings in the context of your environment and critical assets

Identify Your Shadow IT

Simplify attack surface management with a team of adversarial experts who aim to streamline your business operations while helping you secure your environment

Identify and Mitigate Unknown Attack Surfaces

Simplify attack surface management with a team of adversarial experts who aim to streamline your business operations while helping you secure your environment

Map Internet Footprint

Understand and visualize your full attack surface through our continuous offensive security platform, Chariot, which crawls your business assets in real time

Inventory Core Infrastructure

Leverage core infrastructure integrations to form a complete picture and contextualize relationships between assets

Alert in Real-Time

Perform just-in-time cloud scanning to stay in aligned with your business units while keeping them informed of the risks in real-time

Ready to Discuss Your Rogue
IT Identification Initiative?

Praetorian’s Offense Security Experts are Ready to Answer Your Questions